
Why Working in a Female-Led Organization Has Been a Game-Changer for Me

I often say I’m incredibly lucky to be one of the few people that actually enjoy going into work; and always regard it as one of the most positive and rewarding aspects of their lives. After careful consideration, I’ve realised that one of the main elements to my satisfaction comes from operating within a female-led organisation. 

There’s already a ton of research out there backing the incredible value women add to any organisation they are a part of; and indeed in charge of. However, I don’t want to talk about abstract numbers and concepts that anyone can get from a quick Google search or ChatGPT. I want to speak about my personal experience having had the privilege of working in two outstanding 100% female-led PR companies –  and the qualities which have contributed to making the work environment and results achieved, stand out in a league of their own. 

  1. Open and creative work environments 

Women, in my experience, foster collaborative and open work environments, where teamwork is recognized as the cornerstone for success.

By building cultures that encourage creative expression and knowledge sharing, these businesses thrive on diverse ideas; getting the best out of a collective effort. 

In a PR agency, where every detail matters, teamwork and creativity are essential  – as no single person, regardless of experience or seniority, can execute a successful campaign on their own. But away from the workplace, women are more likely to show interest in the lives of their co-workers outside of the office. 

At Wimbart, for example, everyone knows how close I am to my mom and that I’ll almost always be on call with her during my lunchbreak. This type of openness and acceptance strengthens connections; making people feel valued as individuals, not just employees.

  1. Mentorship and investment in employees 

Women may exhibit more nurturing tendencies and are therefore more willing to invest deeply in the growth of more junior members of the team.

Successful female leaders I have worked with, have been generous with their insights, sharing advice and guidance; sometimes because they possibly see a reflection of their own journeys in younger team members.

This in turn makes employees feel like their time at the company is not just exchanged for monthly monetary rewards, but that those in charge are invested in their personal development too. 

Not to describe traits in absolutes, but women also tend to be (for the most part), more emotionally intelligent and thoughtful in how they give constructive feedback, giving team members the opportunity to benefit from said feedback, therefore limiting possible discouragement. This approach keeps morale high while ensuring that work quality is not compromised. Rather than focusing solely on immediate output, the importance of  recognizing potential is often coupled with the willingness to give those with promise a chance to learn and grow. 

  1. Results-oriented leadership 

According to research, women are less likely to end up in leadership positions, suggesting that those who do make it may have had to prove themselves extra hard and worthy of their positions. I’ve personally heard about the challenges my senior team members have faced in building their businesses or climbing the corporate ladder, and how these experiences have shaped them into leaders who value attention to detail and uphold strong work ethics. The journey they had to take to overcome stereotypes makes their tolerance for laziness or poor quality work non-existent.

I’ve also seen first hand how my female managers and directors are quick to take accountability for their shortcomings, fostering a culture of transparency and honesty that encourages me and other team members to do the same.

In leading, they somehow find the correct balance between being assertive, while also maintaining a respectful and positive attitude. 

  1. Serving as Role Models

Now this one I have to *really* write from the heart. From my mother, to every single woman I have been fortunate enough to work with, I have found a role model and a mentor that inspired me and helped push me forward in countless ways.

Wimbart is not only female-led at the Director level and above, but it’s also a place where I found a diverse group of women excelling at their careers at different stages of life, whether they were single, dating, raising kids on their own, married with kids, expecting, or studying while working, their dedication and work ethic left a lasting impression.

They’ve shown me that no matter where I am in life, I can continue pushing myself both professionally and personally.The true beauty of working in an environment like this is that they create spaces that are safe for women at every stage of their lives, and recognize that personal circumstances are part of what makes each individual unique, not a hindrance. 

Remarkably, when personal lives and experiences are embraced in the workplace, exceptional work is consistently delivered, without feeling forced to choose between career and personal fulfillment.

I am fully aware that everything I have shared may not be applicable to every female-led organisation but for me, especially as a #Wimbart, this is the experience that I’ve been fortunate to have had, and that I hope to carry forward with me as I grow. 

Article by Nouran ElRefaei, Account Manager