My time at Wimbart
By Niaya Nibhan-Thomas
When I first found out I was going to do my work experience here I had no idea what Wimbart actually was or what the people here do.
During my time here I have learned a lot about how much hard work goes on behind the scenes of things that you might see everyday. I have also learned the commitment these people put into their work and how they put their all into everything they do for their clients even if it’s not something they particularly want to do.
For example we all put together 200 name badges for an event that was going on that day, it took us hours to do it all but we got it all done in time, even if my hands were basically falling off afterwards!
The second I walked through the door I felt very welcome and safe. On my first day it was very busy and they were hosting an event so I had lots of things to do to keep me occupied. Before I started working I sat in a meeting at the beginning of the day with everyone as there was a new person who joined the team. We all had to go around and say a fun fact about ourselves. I don’t think I have laughed like that in a long time, it really just felt like having a conversation with friends.
It is a very chill working environment where I’m not scared to ask for help and have had some very interesting conversations with people I never thought I would ever talk to. It all feels like one hardworking calm community which I think is what you want your work to be like.
While I’ve been here I have been educated a lot about how PR works and how interesting it all is and how it may be something I want to pursue in the future.
Sitting in meetings with clients and just listening to all the lengths everyone goes to to make the businesses happy is very inspiring to me.
I hope when I start actual work I do it in a place that is just as good as this one.
Thank you for this experience. I have enjoyed every minute of it!